The idea of starting a college in this place, although cherished in the mind of many educated and well-placed persons of the area for a long time, was given a definite shape during 1957. Early in 1958 a public meeting attended by most of the M.L.A.s., M.P.s and leading persons of the area was held under the Presidentship of the then Union Minister Sri Nityananda Kanungo, where a committee was formed to collect funds and organise for the opening of a college. Dr. P. Parija, the then Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University and Sri Sripati Nanda, I.P.S. (Retd.) were elected as President and Secretary of the committee respectively. In another meeting in December, 1958, the present site, where the college stands today, was selected for the purpose and in a ubsequent meeting in 1959, the Secretary was authorised to acquire this area of about 37 acres by way of registered sale or gift-deeds. In a meeting held in January, 1962 at Dr. Parija’s residence at Cuttack, it was unanimously resolved to request Sri Biren Mitra, the then Deputy Chief Minister of the state and an inhabitant of this area, to act as President of the College Committee, to empower him to nominate other members of the committee. The Governing Body was thus constituted and worked under his direction. The Governing Body has since been reconstituted as per the statutory provision of Utkal University Statutes and Govt. of Orissa in the Department name of Higher Education.
The authorities then concentrated on the construction of the present Science Laboratory block which according to the master plan was proposed to be one of the four such buildings for the college hostels. The foundation stone of this block was laid by Sri Pabitramohan Pradhan, the then Minister of Education, Orissa on 11-2- 1963 and the college continued to function in the building till April, 1968. In a meeting held on 5-5-1967 presided over by Dr. H.K.Mahatab, Sri Pabitramohan Pradhan, the Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister of Orissa laid the foundation stone of the main college building. After the construction of the western wing of the ground floor, the Arts classes, the Administrative section and the Library were shifted to the adjacent block from July, 1968. The College library is shifted to a new block of plinth area 5861 sq.ft. w.e.f. the session 2002-2003 named as Sripati Library. The institution has also constructed a double storied building with Gallery provision for science classes.
Affiliation was granted by Utkal University to open Science classes with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology from the academic session, 1963-64. The college was formally inaugurated by the then Deputy Chief Minister Sri Biren Mitra on 25-7-1963. That year the college had a strength of 64 students in Pre-University Science class (Subsequently raised to 80) and five members of the teaching staff. During the session, 1964-65 the CoIlege was affiliated in Arts at the, Pre-University stage and in Science at Pre-Professional stage. The students strength that year went upto more than 360 and the staff strength to 16. During the session, 1965-66 the college was granted affiliation in Arts at the 1st year degree stage and in 1966- 67 at the final degree stage. The college had developed to a fulfledged degree college with teaching facilities in Arts, Science and Commerce in degree stage. Teaching facilities were provided at the Honours in Physics, Chemistry and Botany in the Year 1973. Affiliation was granted for Honours classes in English, Oriya, Economics, Pol.Science, History and Mathematics between 1969 and 1972 and Honours classes in Zoology in 1975, and Sanskrit in 1978. Education and Philosophy in 1980 and Commerce 1981-82.
Quarters have been provided for the Principal and some members of the staff (both teaching and non- teaching) in the college premises. Besides the college has two hostels for men students, one for women students and one building for the N.C.C. The College has a magnificant auditorium with sitting capacity of 1000 named as Biju Pattanaik Auditorium.
The growth of the college to its present shape has been made possible because of the donations received from the generous public, some eminent public figures from U.G.C. and the students from time to time.
The college has thus grown from strength to strength with its sprawling buildings and an affiliated strength of 3600 students (including more than 1000 women students) and 110 members of teaching staff with honours teaching facilities in all faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce.
The College celebrated its Silver Jubilee a week long function during the academic session, 1991-92 in a grand manner with full participation and involvement of members of the Governing Body, members of the staff of the college, students and old students of the college and local people.
The College has been accredited by NAAC from the session 2005 for 5 years with B+ Grade.
The University grant Commission has conferred Autonomy on the college from the session 2006-07.
Self Financing Courses for BBA & BCA have been opened from 2007-2008 vide DHE letter No. 44510 Dt. 12.11.2008. The Bio-technology course will be opened shortly.